Monday, April 21, 2008

100 things about YOU!

100 Things About Me

1. I like to dye my hair red
2. I teach voice lessons
3. I earned a full-ride music scholarship to Utah State for singing
4. Turned it down to finish putting my husband through school, yes I am still bitter
5. I have perfect pitch
6. I have eight siblings
7. I can free-hand cross-stich anything
8. I hurt all day, every day
9. It's called fibromyalgia
10. I have pain doing every day tasks
11.I think Zoloft is the world's best drug
11. I wish I would have been on it before college
12. I have anxiety
13. I love to exercise
14. I work out every day
15. My cat just had kittens
16. My children are beautiful and wonderful
17. I don't want a daughter
18. I look like my grandma
19. I can play the organ
20. I was given my grandma's organ after she died
21. I love to be outside
22. I hate gas prices
23. We are moving to Rexburg
24. I don't want to
25. I love serving in the Primary Presidency
26. I always have my toenails painted
27. I think I'm smart
28. I was in Talented and Gifted in Elem. school
29. I have thought about running for City Council
30. I love photography
31. I once worked as a journalist for a newspaper
32. I was on yearbook staff in 9th grade
33. I ran track in high school
34. I have never been east of Denver. How lame
35. I will go to Disneyland for the first time ever in Oct.
36. I love to fish
37. I love swimming
38. Dance Dance Revolution is my PS2 game of choice
39. I can sight-read any piano piece you give me
40. Homemade bread is my weakness
41. I can cook anything
42. I love the smell of bleach, cause I know it means clean
43. I hate snow
44. I don't wear any makeup except mascara
45. I look younger than my actual age
46. I can type really fast
47. I am a low-maintenance kind of girl
48. I am somewhat tom-boyish
49. I love riding dirtbikes
50. I could drive one myself with my dad on the back when I was 13
51. I LOVE driving stick-shift
52. I coach my son's soccer team
53. I've never played soccer in my life
54. I get a new house this summer
55. I am not good at staying up super late
56. I'm allergic to animals
57. I have broken both my feet, on separate occasions
58. I once spilled Mountain Dew all over my brother-in-laws dashboard in his car
59. I don't do well eating sugar
60. I passed out during labor with my first two kids
61. I didn't with my third because they put vitamins in my IV drip
62. Epidurals are the best thing ever
63. I love teaching
64. I like speaking in front of big groups
65. I once sang a solo in front of the entire student body of Ricks College at a devotional
66. I am friends with Elder and Sister Bednar
67. I have been to their house
68. I have sang in General Conference
69. I have met Gordon B. Hinckley
70. I have been to Canada
71. I am going to the Vancouver Olympics in 2010
72. I went to my high school prom with my best friend, Jan. YES a guy.
73. We had prom on a yacht along the Willamette River
74. We changed out of our prom clothes into regular clothes on the sidewalk next to the car in downtown Portland
75. I like playing sports
76. I want to learn how to fly fish
77. I once jumped into an outdoor swimming pool on Thanksgiving
78. I have never been skinny-dipping
79. I am a good singer
80. I majored in vocal music in college
81. I was a student conductor my sophomore year in college
82. I really want to learn to play the violin
83. I'm not the biggest socialite
84. I'm better than I used to be
85. I love the beach
86. I like the color yellow
87. I love sunshine
88. I miss my younger siblings that I hardly ever see
89. I don't enjoy living in a land-locked state
90. I have seen the musical Les Miserables live in San Francisco
91. I love playing with my kids
92. I want to be in a small opera someday
93. I own more pairs of running shoes than dress shoes
94. I love to mow my lawn
95. I love the smell of cut grass
96. I have amazing friends
97. I am good with money
98. I don't own a cell phone
99. I'm getting one this summer
100. I am done with this huge long survey!

I'm tagging Becky and Gina


Katie said...

Whoa, whoa, whoa...hold the phone! You are moving to Rexburg? HOw come? YOu are getting a new house...and CELL PHONE?! ;) HOw exciting! Please fill me in!