Well, I really couldn't group these pictures all together except to just stick them here. But they're cute!!!!!!!!!!
Andrew one day decided he wanted to give
Carter piggy back rides and now
he does it all the time.
It's pretty fun. Brenden
did this Beavis and
pose cause Daddy told
him to.
If my kids go a-wall,
I know who to blame...
Carter wants to be a motocross racer when he grows up. He loves anything to do with motorcycles, real and pretend. He has some of my Dad's genes in him, fo'sho'.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
random pix
Posted by hjjepp at 3:23 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Thanksgiving 2007
So we attempted to take a family picture this Thanksgiving over at Grandma's house. We got a couple that turned out pretty well, but for the most part Andrew wouldn't smile. Kinda like in every other family picture we have ever taken. Grrr...
But Carter enjoyed face painting, I mean, eating Thanksgiving dinner. I think he wanted to save some for later. And then the boys thought it would be fun to see how many times they could jump on Dad before he threw up. Luckily, that didn't happen.
Posted by hjjepp at 8:35 AM 1 comments
Callie's engagement pix
I've always taken pictures as a hobby and this was my latest stint I guess. Justin's cousin Callie is getting married Jan 4 and these are a few of the pix we took. I don't have copies of the colored ones yet dang it but these are cute.
Posted by hjjepp at 8:22 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 9, 2007
Andrew's school picture
Andrew Jeppesen, Sept. 2007
I am officially a Mom. You know why? Cause my kid has SCHOOL PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow, I feel old. But they turned out really really nice. I love them. I had to take a picture of the actual picture though because I have to reload the software for my scanner. Oh well. It's a bit washed out because of the camera flash but he's still cute!!!!!!!!! So grown up and handsome.
Posted by hjjepp at 2:20 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Summer 2007
Just wanted to add some random pictures from this summer. We did a lot of family things this summer since it was the first time Justin didn't have a part-time job through the summer while school was out. My kids are water babies and pretty good fishermen too!!!!!!
Posted by hjjepp at 7:46 PM 1 comments
Halloween 2007
The kids all wanted to be someone from Star Wars this year so I enlisted the help of my older sister, Jen, cause she had a couple costumes from last year when they were Star Wars characters. Thanks Jen! Andrew was Darth Maul, Brenden was Darth Vader and Carter evened out the dark side by being Yoda. How cute is that!?!?! Andrew face is NOT a mask, beli
eve it or not, but it's face paint. I sat him by the computer, pulled up a picture of Darth Maul on the Internet and proceeded to paint his face like Darth Maul. Not bad, huh? Oh, I was Princess Leia, but I'm behind the camera of course. I was never a big fan of pictures anyway...
Posted by hjjepp at 7:41 PM 0 comments
Andrew's first day of Kindergarten!!!!!!!!
I can't believe I have a kid in school. Crazy. Andrew LOVES kindergarten and he has a really good teacher, Mrs. Moss. There are a couple kids in his class from Primary and that has really helped. He's learning quickly and is in the highest group for free-centers. He knows how to read a few words and can do lots of other things. I am the room-mom for his class and work at lot with the Parent-Teacher-Organization (PTO). It's weird to be a "PTO Mom" but Andrew likes having me come help in his class. Brenden, Carter and I walk Andrew to school every day along with my neighbor and fellow Primary presidency member Melinda. Her daughter is in Andrew's class.
Pix to right: Andrew and Brenden-happy bros
Posted by hjjepp at 7:34 PM 0 comments
Oregon trip July 2007
Okay, so I thought I would play super-mom and take all three of my boys to Oregon to my best friend's wedding. Justin was in Alaska fishing, poor guy =), and I couldn't miss the wedding so I packed up all the kids and drove 800 miles all by myself. I lived to tell the story and everything! We had a good time and my kids got to see lots of aunts and uncles. We spent a day at the beach while we were there and ha
d a great time. I took the kids to the Portland Temple where Justin and I got married and walk
ed around a bit. We went up to the front door just so the boys could peek in and the sweet temple worker at the door said we could come in. He let us walk through the atrium there in the waiting area and I have to say that was the best minute I have spent in the temple. My boys even felt it. Their faces were priceless. It just reminded me that families are the reason for temples and it was a great experience to have all my boys there with me. We stayed with my sister Becky and her hubbie and had a blast. My kids love Aunt BekBek and Uncle Jake. We were there for a week. Needless to say, I was NOT looking forward to the drive home but my kids were troopers. I have the best boys in the world. I would not have taken the trip if I didn't think they could do it. I have to say though, in-car DVD players are a small miracle. It helped to break up the monotony of the drive. All in all, it was a wonderful trip, but I don't think I will do it alone again...
Posted by hjjepp at 7:13 PM 3 comments